Bless the Lord

Many of us feel that we have been blessed by God.  What does it mean to be blessed by God?  I. Packer, in his book, Knowing God, states:

The phrases “Bless the Lord” and “Bless God” are found primarily in the Old Testament.  The Psalms, especially, are filled with the psalmists’ blessings upon God.  The King James version uses “Bless the Lord” many times, but the more modern translations render it, “Praise the Lord.”  The Hebrew word translated “bless” or “praise” means, literally, “to kneel”, the implication being to kneel in worship.

Therefore, to bless the Lord means to praise Him, exalt Him and worship Him.  The Psalms are filled with blessings upon God for His counsel (Psalm 16:7), His holiness (Psalm 103:1), His dominion over all things (Psalm 103:22), His honor and majesty (Psalm 104:1).  We offer Him our praise and blessings because He deserves them.  Unlike God’s blessings upon us, which are wholly undeserved, and by His mercy and grace, our blessing to God is done out of an understanding that He is the creator, emancipator and ruler over all existence.

God is glorified when we bless and praise and acknowledge Him.  That acknowledgement comes in the form of praise, adoration, thanksgiving and love.  That is what we were originally created for.  So, each week, as we come to worship the Lord, let us lift our spirits, our hearts and our souls in praise and adulation to the Lord.

Pastor Mark


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First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
