CWF Corner

The Christian Women’s Fellowship of the First Christian Church met Wednesday, the 4th of October, with Norma and Judy hosting.  The 17 members attending were led in the opening prayer by Leader, Norma.  She then called for the reading of the Minutes and presentation of the Treasurer’s Report from Secretary/Treasurer, Ernie.

Virginia requested that all continue to save their Best Choice labels, as they will be needed to make our 3,000 mark, which would entitle us to receive a $90 rebate from the labels.  She also reported that 19 cards will be mailed to those unable to attend our October meeting.

The idea of having a bazaar this coming fall was discussed and tabled for now.  Consideration was given to assisting families in need with the lunch program at the high school, as well as continuing the program where junior high school students and families receive some holiday assistance for necessary items such as shoes and clothing.  This has been a good program for the CWF and is handled well by Jessica and the school.

Ernie brought the lesson from Isaiah and other chapters of the Bible with thoughts from “Like Eagles” by Terry Hatfield.  Devotions, given by Mary, were from “Hope from a Woman’s Soul”, and the least coin was presented by LaDella with her personal “Story of a Girl”.

Phyllis presented our musical program with her rendition of a “fun” song from “The Sound of Music” and other music, ending with a singalong and prayer.

Upon being dismissed in prayer by Norma, we were reminded of the next meeting, to be held November 1st at 9:30 am with Connie and Vivian hosting, Virginia providing the lesson, Laura the devotion, and Ethel the least coin.


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First Christian Church is a Disciples of Christ congregation. Learn more about the Disciples on our Kansas region site and our main denomination page.


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First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
