Starting Over

With January 2017 fast approaching, I stopped by Carl Gene’s “Medicine Shoppe” to pick up all the great free items he has out each year… New wall calendars, as well as billfold-size ones, fresh new ballpoint pens, pocket reminders and, best of all, The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

Returning home with my loot and turning my new calendar to January 2017, I began to think about how quickly 2016 had flown by.  Soon, the small squares on this new calendar will be filled in with those “must do” notes, just as 2016 was.  Flipping back through the old calendar, I could see that it was a busy year, as most all of those small squares had something written in them.

No, I understand, and I kind of like being busy; however, I don’t think that time itself should go so quickly.  First thing you know, January will be gone and February is so short that it flies by.  Then it’s summer and we can’t wait until fall gets here.  No sooner does that happen and it’s time to start thinking about Christmas, and before we know it, it’s New Year’s Eve again.

Like I said, it’s time to pick up your new calendar.  Don’t look back… Just plan on having another busy year and give thanks to God for each day.

Every day brings new choices!

Submitted by Ernie Cain


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First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
