Breakfast Anyone?

One Sunday just recently, I picked up my Sunday riders and we headed to the church for the Sunday morning breakfast.  Arriving in good time, we were surprised to find that there was not a soul at the church, and we decided this must be the wrong Sunday for the church breakfast.

Driving around the block, we arrived at McDonald’s to find six church members sitting there having breakfast.  Now, I’m not saying they, too, got the Sundays mixed up and I’m not really ready to say that I did, but I find it a bit unusual that we would all drive to McDonald’s for breakfast on the same day and at that early hour.

You know, I just can’t lay the blame on the men of the church for this one.  They took it upon themselves to cook and pay for (donations are accepted) our breakfasts on the first and third Sundays of each month, so if someone “goofed” up and came on the wrong Sunday, I would say, “Come back next Sunday.  The food, coffee and juice are delicious, the fellowship is wonderful, and the cooks are great!”

Enough said.

Submitted by Ernie Cain


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First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
