Life is a Puzzle

Shopping at a rummage sale recently, I found a very old jigsaw puzzle.  The box was falling apart; however, the girls taped it up good, and I fell in love with the large dog pictured with a Red Cross emblem on its side.  He looked a lot like the old “Rin-Tin-Tin” dog, and I just couldn’t wait to get home and dump it out on my card table… I think I could be addicted to these things.

I worked hard on that puzzle but soon came to realize there were many pieces missing from the box, and there were also some pieces that did not belong to this puzzle.  However, by that time, I had gone far enough to be determined to finish it, no matter how many pieces were missing.  Eventually finishing with every piece I had, I decided there were at least 33 pieces missing, but it was a beautiful picture and I had actually found places for every puzzle piece.  Looking back, I think this was the best purchase I made that day.  What a challenge, and what a feeling as I finished it up!  Its cost of just 25¢ made it a real bargain.

Puzzles are a lot like our lives… We often have a feeling that pieces are missing, and we have to work hard to bring our lives to where we need them to be, but in the end, we realize it was rewarding and worth the extra effort.


Submitted by Ernie C

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First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
