From the Pastor…

Just as it says in Romans 12:5: Though we are many in thought, action and belief in Christ, we are one body in Christ and each member belongs to the other. 

We are called by God to remember and pray for all members of the body of Christ, to encourage others, to support one another, and to let each member find their own voice in proclaiming the good news.

During these days of dealing with an unseen enemy, we have to be more alert, more aware and more concerned about how we engage, interact and fellowship together as one body, one church, one faith and one hope through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Many of you faithful members and supporters of First Christian Church have chosen to stay safely at home and watch our weekly Sunday Worship services online and through the internet, while others bravely and steadily continue to attend weekly “live” Worship services at the church.  We each have to walk our own road, our own path, and go our own way.  Yet, we are called by God to be open, to be available and to offer compassion, care and assistance when asked. 

For the Lord shall lift us out of despair. (Psalm 40:2) For the Lord shall rescue us when our spirits are crushed. (Psalm 34:18)

God tells us to walk strongly and courageously in Him, for there is nothing to be afraid of or discouraged by, for the Lord God is with us wherever we go. (Joshua 1:9) 

We are all one in Christ Jesus.  People are just people; folks are folks.  God loves them all, and so should we. 

Listen to the words of this wonderful hymn by John Oxenham:

In Christ, there is no East or West,

In Him no South or North;

But one great fellowship of love

Throughout the whole wide earth.

In Him shall true hearts everywhere

Their high communion find;

His service is the golden cord

Close binding all mankind.

In Christ now meet both East and West;

In Him meet South and North.

All Christly souls are one in Him

Throughout the whole wide earth.

When we see all the troubles in our world today, it is easy to despair.  Yet, Christ brings His peace, His love, His kindness and His understanding to where all the faithful can partake and offer the abundance of God’s fruit to others.  The good news is that no matter how lonely we are, how isolated we have become, or how forgotten we seem to be, we are important to God, and you are important to First Christian Church.  We are here for you, just as God is always with you.  And just as God asks you to come to Him, we ask you to please let us know about any cares or concerns in which we might be able to offer some comfort. 

May we continue to be together in spirit, in truth and in love.


Pastor Mark


For those who are unable to attend our weekly Sunday Worship services, we will continue broadcasting them live on Facebook at

You may also view prerecorded Worship services on YouTube by typing in First Christian Church, Independence, KS on the appropriate search engine, and the most recent program should come right up.

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First Christian Church is a Disciples of Christ congregation. Learn more about the Disciples on our Kansas region site and our main denomination page.


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First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
