Dear Fellow Disciples,

We continually pray for you and with you as we adjust to this new change of lifestyle, daily habits, and community engagement. But even though we are “Socially” divided,  we are united in Christ and through Christ.


With the advent of the possibility of the state of Kansas releasing and relaxing some of the state imposed  quarantine  controls  for our communities, Carl Guyll, Chairperson of the FCC Board, has requested that the FCC Board go ahead and meet at its regular scheduled meeting  time on Sunday 5/3/20 at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Room. Some of the topics  for discussion: Updates on church budget, church operations, church committees, safety concerns, and consideration of a time table  with regards to reopening the church for Sunday morning worship. Please contact the church office or Carl Guyll for more information.

Viewing Sunday Worship Service:

Each week we have been producing a weekly Sunday worship celebration  that can be seen every Sunday morning by 8 am.  Many of our talented church friends have offered their time and blessings as guests  for our weekly worship service presentation.

If you would like to participate as a worship leader, song leader, offer a testimony, present communion, or  provide us with an inspiration reflection: We encourage you to call us at the church office and take part in this special ministry and opportunity.

There are 2 ways in which you can view our weekly Sunday Worship Service Celebration:

1) Go to You Tube, type in the search box, “First Christian Church Independence, Ks”. Current as well as all past Sunday worship service  programs should come right up.

2)Go to <>  that should take  you right to our facebook home page, Scroll  down the page and the next weekly Sunday worship service should come right up.

We close with Henry Achiever Williams offering a Special Blessing 

from the lyrics of  “He Lives” words & music by Alfred H. Ackley

He Lives, He Lives, Christ Jesus lives today

He walks with me and talks with me

Along Life’s narrow way

He Lives, He Lives, Salvation to impart

You ask me how I know He Lives?

He Lives within my heart.

Sticking with Jesus, Praise the Lord!  ‘Thank you Lord at age 73,’ I pray for all  of our church friends. We will get through this as we look to God to guide us and watch over us during these days.

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Meet the Disciples

First Christian Church is a Disciples of Christ congregation. Learn more about the Disciples on our Kansas region site and our main denomination page.


bootstrap themes

First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
