Letter from the Pastor

Dear Fellow Disciples:

We would like to thank you for your commitment and dedication to Christ.  We would also like to thank you for your encouragement and prayers during these days.

The Church Office will continue to be open during normal daily business hours (M – Th, 8 AM – 3 PM), but all visitors after 12 Noon will need to first call the Church Office before being allowed to enter the building. 

As of right now, both our regular Sunday Worship Service and our Wednesday Lenten Service will continue as is.  All services will be held in the Church Sanctuary.  Please use your own discretion with regard to your health to determine whether or not you feel comfortable attending these services.

Please be assured that our part-time Maintenance personnel, Bobby White, does an outstanding job cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting all areas of church usage.  Through the next few weeks, we will continue to monitor the safety concerns of our entire flock, as well as monitor the safety concerns of the community. 

Times have changed.  Almost overnight, many freedoms of movement, assembly and fellowship have been restricted and limited.  Our attitudes, our perceptions of life, our habits, our instincts, and our comfort zones have all been fractured, and as we help to repair and heal these concerns, we will have to slightly adjust, change, and perhaps alter many of our lifestyle habits and behaviors.  We might be more hygienic, but we will also be a little more cautious in the public arena, more isolated, more fearful and more discerning in what we buy, how we live and where we go. 

How does Christ fit into all of this?  God has not left; He is still right here.  Why?  Because God truly cares for each and every one of us.  In fact, it is during times like this that we need to lean on the Lord, even more so.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5) 

Yet, those who lean on the Lord and say, “Is not the Lord in the midst of us? No disaster shall come upon us.” (Micah 3:11)

Lean on the God of Israel.  The Lord of Hosts is His name. (Isaiah 48:2) 

Who among you fears the Lord?  And who listens to thy servant?  Who among you walks in darkness and has no light?  May you come to trust in the name of the Lord. Let all lean upon your God, your Savior and your companion.  (Isaiah 5:10)

Pastor Mark

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First Christian Church is a Disciples of Christ congregation. Learn more about the Disciples on our Kansas region site and our main denomination page.


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First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
