What Would Jesus Do?

Remember the slogan, “WWJD,” which stands for, “What would Jesus do?”  It’s a standard that most Christians and disciples look to as a gauge on how to best offer an appropriate response to any circumstance.  Our call, as followers of Christ, is to act like Christ, behave like Christ, and to do things like Christ would do.  It allows us to reflect upon our daily routines to see if our behavior is appropriately Christ like.

Of course, that means that everything we do is accountable to God, such as what we watch on TV, what we look at on the Internet, the kind of clothes we wear, the type of house we live in, and so forth. 

So, I thought it might be fun to take a look at the cars we drive and what kind of automobile Jesus might drive.  Most people assume “WWJD” stands for “What would Jesus do?”  But the initials could also stand for “What would Jesus drive?”

One theory is that the Almighty might tool around in an old Plymouth because the Bible says, “God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a fury.”

In Psalm 83, it appears God clearly owns a Pontiac and a Geo, as this passage urges the Lord to pursue His enemies with His tempest and terrify them with His storm.

Or perhaps the Lord favors Dodge pickup trucks, as Moses’s followers were warned not to go up the mountain until the ram’s horn sounded a long blast.

Some scholars insist that Jesus drove a Honda but did not like to talk about it.  As proof, they cite a verse in John’s gospel where Christ tells the crowd, “For I did not speak of my own accord.”

Meanwhile, Moses may have ridden an old British motorcycle, as evidenced by a Bible passage declaring, “The roar of Moses’s triumph is heard in the hills.” 

And Joshua might have driven a Triumph sports car with a hole in the muffler because we are told, “Joshua’s triumph was heard throughout the land.” 

And following the Master’s lead, the Apostles must have carpooled in a Honda because it is said, “The Apostles were in one accord.”

Disciples already drive Jesus’ car, which is powered by the Holy Spirit, fueled by the word of God, covered by prayer, and insured by God’s grace and mercy.  Now, that’s one heavenly vehicle!

Pastor Mark

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First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
