New Year’s Goals

I am thinking it was just yesterday that I made my 2016 New Year’s resolutions, and I remember well what they were – especially one of them – how I wanted to lose about 20 pounds and have a 25-inch waist.  What a dream!  I could just see myself in all new clothes, looking like a teen in the new fashions.  Well, that never happened, so here I am, now going into 2017 with the same thoughts on my mind.

Maybe I have been going about this the wrong way.  Looking up “resolutions” on my computer, I found the following descriptions:   “A firm decision to do or not to do something.”  Well, I certainly decided not to pursue that resolution.

Then, there was: “The act of solving a problem, either fact or fiction.”  I was kind of undecided about this description.  It was a fact that I really wanted to follow through with the resolution; however, it was fiction to think that I really could.

So after a couple of years on this tired resolution, I decided to take on a new approach for the year of 2017 and, once again, turned to my computer for information.

Under the title, “What Sort of New Year’s Resolution Should A Christian Make?” I found what I had been looking for.  This item lists all of the common resolutions, and topping the list is “to lose weight.”  So, I think I need to go outside the box and start over.

Changing from “resolution” to “goal”, one of the first suggestions is “proper motivation”, and “commitment” is another.  Choosing a new goal is first, and then, don’t be proud or vain, but give God the glory, as in Psalm 37:5-7.


Submitted by Ernie Cain


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319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
