The Marthas – Again

A few years ago, I wrote an article about “The Marthas”, who they are and what they do, and I have mentioned them several times since then.  You may remember, we call them “the Marthas” because, biblically, Martha did all the work and Mary sat at Jesus’ feet.  Well, anyway, they come in on Thursdays at around 8 AM and are usually loaded down with their “scrubbing bubbles” and other cleaning supplies.  Getting right to work, you can hear them chit and chat as they clean the kitchen, fellowship hall, restrooms, and anything else that gets in their way.  Custodian, Bobby White, is sometimes whisked off to the 3rd floor or some other nook and cranny for his needed assistance with a big job.

Watching this from our table in the fellowship hall, another group is folding the Sunday bulletins or putting the newsletter together for mailing.  We also greet and visit with anyone who happens to drop in.  Thursday morning is a busy time in our church; it takes all of us doing our part to keep the church up and running.  The coffee pot is always full and anyone is welcome to drop in for coffee or find a little job to do.  The pay is a blessing from God.

~ Submitted by Ernie Cain

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First Christian Church is a Disciples of Christ congregation. Learn more about the Disciples on our Kansas region site and our main denomination page.


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First Christian Church

319 W. Laurel St.
Independence, KS 67301
